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![]() ![]() ![]() click here to return to contents On-Line Resources AEGIS-Largest HIV-AIDS Web Site In The World-Updated Hourly Off Line Resources AIDS National Interfaith Network (202) 842-0010 - a non-sectarian organization created to ensure that individuals with HIV and AIDS receive compassionate and non-judgmental support, care and assistance. Collaborating with a network of nearly 2000 AIDS ministries, ANIN maintains the National AIDS Ministry Database, publishes informational materials, issues Action Alerts, and provides training and referral services. AIDS Policy Center for Children, Youth and Families (202) 785-3564 Over 350 care and research agencies serving youth, women and children are member affiliates of AIDS Policy Center, which helps those who benefit from the Ryan White CARE Act to improve their skills and their ability to advocate about the programs that affect them. AIDS Policy Center performs research studies, convenes conferences, and monitors public policy, building multiracial, cross-generational coalitions that amplify the voices of people affected by HIV and AIDS. The Balm in Gilead (212) 730-7381 Working through Black churches, the mission of the Balm in Gilead is to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in the African American community and to support those infected with, and affected, by, HIV/AIDS. The organization provides churches with opportunities for training, networking and education, including the annual Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, and the Black Church HIV/AIDS Resource/Information Center, which produces educational and training products, including "The Black Church HIV Education and Prevention Guide" and "Who Will Break the Silence: Liturgical Resources for the Healing of AIDS." The Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (212) 614-0023 (800) 575-2522 With affiliates in 17 cities throughout the United States where African-American communities are hit hardest by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, BLCA's mission is to inform, coordinate, and organize the volunteer efforts of the indigenous Black leadership to meet the challenge of fighting AIDS. BLCA conducts policy, research and advocacy on HIV and AIDS to insure effective participation of our leadership in policy-making and resource allocation divisions for communities of African descent nationwide. Centers for Disease Control National AIDS Information Clearinghouse (800) 458-5231 Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (310) 314-1459 The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is the leading U.S. national non-profit organization dedicated to identifying, funding and conducting basic pediatric HIV/AIDS research. The Foundation's goals include reducing HIV transmission from an HIV-infected mother to her newborn, prolonging and improving the lives of children living with HIV, eliminating HIV in infected children and promoting awareness and compassion about HIV/AIDS world-wide. Grandparent Information Center, AARP (202) 434-2296 (English) (202) 434-2281 (Spanish) The Grandparent Information Center (GIC) provides information about services and programs that can help improve the lives of grandparent-headed households. It also works with social service agencies and grandparent support groups to find solutions to the problems these families face. Mothers' Voices (212) 730-2777/ (888) MVOICES The only national, grassroots, non-profit organization mobilizing mothers as educators and advocates for sexual health and HIV prevention, Mothers' Voices provides critical resources that help mothers educate their children regarding sexuality and drug use, and how a better understanding can help prevent HIV infection. Call for the free book: "Finding Our Voices: Talking With Our Children About Sexuality and AIDS" (available in English or Spanish). National AIDS Fund (202) 408-4848 The National AIDS Fund represents companies, foundations, community groups and citizens who have contributed more than $70 million over the past decade to combat the AIDS epidemic. The Fund works with communities to fight HIV/AIDS through a variety of direct care, education and support programs, and is a resource for information and services on HIV/AIDS, stimulating responses from business and labor. The Fund's Workplace Resource Center offers tools for both employers and employees who are dealing with HIV/AIDS in the workplace. National AIDS Hotline (800) 342-2437 English, 24 hours (800) 344-7432 Spanish, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST, 7 days a week (800) 243-7889 TTY/Deaf Access, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST, Mon-Fri "Parent Calls Program" allows parents to call the Hotline in groups or individually for answers to tough questions. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 410/486-9147 The NAACP is deeply concerned about the economic and social barriers to health care affecting Americans of African descent and other minorities. The National Health Committee sponsors Health Summit conferences concentrating on current issues, encourages the formation of health programs in local NAACP branches, and offers workshops and training sessions at regional and national gatherings. National Association of People with AIDS (202) 898-0414 NAPWA provides a wide array of prevention, health promotion, and education efforts for those infected and at risk for HIV. NAPWA provides technical assistance and training around the country for people with HIV, publishes newsletters, guides, and action alerts, coordinates a speakers bureau, provides referrals, conducts outreach to adolescent and young adult populations, and co-sponsors the annual Ryan White Youth Conference on HIV/AIDS. NAPWA participates in extensive public policy education, and trains its members in grassroots AIDS advocacy. National Minority AIDS Council (202) 483-6622 NMAC is the premier national AIDS organization developing programs and services for community based organizations serving people of color affected by HIV/AIDS. Programs include the United States Conference on AIDS, the largest annual gathering of AIDS service providers in the country; public policy and research and treatment advocacy; technical assistance and training; and publications. National Pediatric & Family HIV Resource Center (800) 362-0071 x 253 www.pedhivaids.org (for providers) www.fxbcenter.org (for families) www.kidsconnect.org (for children) The National Pediatric & Family HIV Resource Center serves professionals who care for children, adolescents and families with HIV infection and AIDS. The Center offers training and educational opportunities for health care and social service providers; develops and distributes guidelines for the care of children, youth and families with HIV infection; develops and distributes educational materials for providers and families; convenes working groups and task forces to address critical issues in pediatric, youth and family HIV care; and educates providers regarding public policy in pediatric, youth and family HIV. World Wide Web HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS The PediAIDS Electronic NEWS Network - Project Inform
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