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This Moment
This moment is extremely important in your life. Right now this instant, you have the wonderful pleasure of giving to someone a wonderful gift. Your present is the gift of unconditional love.
Love is all there is, and it exists right where you are in thought. It doesn't matter which way you are thinking, or what you are thinking. What matters is that beneath your thought, is something beautiful, exciting, joyful, and pleasing for you to experience.
I know right now, your probably saying to yourself I know this. Well, the truth is that if you do know this, why aren't you practicing this? Why are you giving attention to that which is the opposite of love? You know what I'm talking about. Your worrying whether or not a situation will come to pass. You hold someone hostage in your consciousness, because you refuse to forgive them over something foolish. You keep thinking thoughts of Lack! Lack! Lack! Bondage! Bondage! Bondage! You judge, criticize, and complain. Do you know that each time you think those types of thoughts; it becomes increasingly hard for love to shine though?
The secret is, to let go and let God be God in you. The greatest gift we have, is receiving God's unconditional love. The greatest benefit, we could ever experience from God's gift is giving and sharing this love with others.
So now this moment, as you read this affirmation say it out loud: "I now allow God's light of love to shine through me." Write it down; post it to a place, which will constantly remind you of this saying. But most of all, practice it. As you know, practice does make perfect. Have a great God week.
Peace & Blessings,
Thomas Gordy UPONLINE@aol.com
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