There is not you and the beauty that you credit the most perfect rose~There is only you~ you are the beauty, the perfection that creates the rose to remind you who you really are~
There is not you and the magnificence of a brilliant sunset, There is only your own magnificence, your own brilliance that reveals itself to you ~ sometimes as a sunset and sometimes as an idea of enlightened excitement.
There is not you and Love,There is only you as the embodiment of Love that loves yourself so that others may join you in the greatest joining of all~The Joining of Love
There is not you and the light that illuminates your way ~There is only you as the light, that validates your own knowing,your own being,
There is not you and God~There is only God that resides in you.
Behold all the Beauty, all the light, all the love, all the greatness, all the magnificence, all the Godliness you have ever seen or known or will yet be seen or known and behold that which is no less than you~
Behold Yourself