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"Heaven's Door"
His life was golden, as was his skin
From his blue eyes he saw all.
His Mother's days revolved around him.
He lived so proud and tall.
He depended on her, as they all do,
To see to his every whim.
When she was away, and he alone,
The light in his world grew dim.
All of us know that age can be cruel.
Our "golden boy" was no exception.
His gait grew slow, him limp pronounced.
With him there was no deception.
The final day came - he could take no more.
His Mother's love passed the test.
She knew if she gave him up to Heaven
That God would take care of the rest.
As a P.S. "golden boy" was her dog,
But a child could not have meant more.
She and Buffy had 14 years of a bond
That ended at Heaven's Door.
Patti StClair1
Copyright 1997
From A Celebration of Poets
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© Copyright Gail R. Mitchell..
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