There is only one powerful presence in all of life, and that presence is God. Fully in, around, and through everything which is. I am completely aware of this presence. I know that God is all there is, and all the being ness of this entire Universe is God.
The God in me is limitless. All things are possible with God. I believe this, and accept this whole-heartedly right now. I know the God presence in me turns darkness into light, and the makes all crooked things straight straight. Knowing this, lifts me up in consciousness and I am renewed in faith, acceptance, and understanding.
I speak my word, not only for myself, but also for all who are reading this prayer this instant. I know the God Principle within me, is this moment healing all mind, body, and soul relationships. I believe this, I know this, and I claim this as truth. The Father within doeth the work, and the Father responds to my faith and trust. As I am in touch with life, love, beauty, within me, I realize this moment, that whatever circumstance, situation, or incident which is in need of healing is now manifesting forth. As I align myself with love and life, I see harmony and peace now being expressed. As I live and move on the theory of perfect health being ever present here and now, it becomes definite. I am forever now filled with the sense of peace and well being.
I am thankful, for the healing that is taking place not only in my own life, but in the lives of every person who is reading this, adapting these words to their own particular situation. How good it is, to feel, know, love, and accept Spirit here and now. Amen
Thomas Gordy
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