Women And Caregiving At Midlife
The author discusses some of myths around aging, women in midlife, their role as caregiver and the positive aspects of it all as well.
The author discusses some of myths around aging, women in midlife, their role as caregiver and the positive aspects of it all as well.
The author discusses the paradoxical interplay of joy and suffering that is experienced in caregiving; how the flow of life is continuous; that it is we who shut it off.
How we discover and let go of our old beliefs about aging can open us to new, more joyful ways of being through being aware and making choices.
The author discusses that caregiving isn’t a pathology. She speaks about going with the flow, finding peace and balance from within.
One caregiver describes her feelings and situations dealing with depression while caregiving.
Dealing with issues at the end of life, caregivers feel very alone. Decisions about life support and questions about the meaning of suffering permeate the everyday tasks and bring caregivers to a new threshold.
As a caregiver, you must accumulate as much information as possible. it is stressful and time-consuming but the experiences this author has learned is quite an accomplishment.
This caregiver describes the feelings and situations of caregiving for her parents as their illnesses progressed.
Unforgiving emotions like anger and hostility can cause harmful physiological effects, forgiveness may give rise to exceptional wellness.
Ms. Witrogen’s speech to Sen. Breaux in the Senate
Ms. Witrogens speech before the Senate at Sen. Breaux.
This article provides important answers to pertinent questions caregivers may have. For example, when is it the right time to reach out for help with your caregiving duties?