Patients’ Bill Of Rights
Have the right to a reasonable response to requests and needs for treatment or service.
Have the right to expect caregivers to respect and give consideration to personal values and beliefs.
Be assured that health needs are appropriately assessed, and treatment is individualized according to the assessment.
Be informed about diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in terms that can be understood in order that proper information is received for making necessary healthcare decisions.
Have the right to issue advance directives and appoint a surrogate to make healthcare decisions to the extent permitted by the law.
Have the right, except in emergencies, to make decisions in collaboration with your physician involving the care provided. This shall include consent to or refusal of medical treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences for such consent or refusal.
Be informed of the process for initiating a complaint concerning the quality of care provided to you with understanding of how the complaint will be considered, including the response and resolution process.
Have the right for personal involvement or involvement of a designated representative in the consideration of ethical issues that arise throughout the caregiving process and an explanation of the method used to hear concerns and respond to them.
Have the right to be informed of any human experimentation or other research or educational project affecting care or treatment and to have the right to refuse to participate in the activity.
Have all information about treatment and medical care be designated as private and treated as such.
Have the right to be informed about physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who provide care directly to that Participant.
Have the right to communicate with family, friends, and others while receiving treatment.
Have the right to request a copy of all charges regardless of who is paying for the care.