As we become aware of our feelings and emotions and cause through imaging representations in alignment with the feelings and emotions we desire, we alter the course, we see new scenery, we cultivate new contacts, create new communities and begin new lives. John Felitto.

If you knew that you were guaranteed to have everything you desire, how would that impact your state of being? If you were free from the burdens of the past and the concerns of the future, knowing that everything is unfolding as it should, you would experience the gift of being fully in the “present” moment. Being fully in the present moment creates a level of gratitude that is sometimes overwhelming, where the simplest of things brings outstanding joy.

Offered here for your consideration is a process, which highlights the awesome power of intention and attention. The premise is that the source of all of our desires stem from our soul’s yearning to express itself. And within this discovery, which includes the experience of seeking the soul’s desire, true present-moment awareness becomes an available reality.

If we hold an intention, a clear intention within us and give that intention our dedicated attention, and develop a knowing that our intention is meaningful and purposeful, then that intention will indeed unfold.

Once we affirm the faith in our intention, we no longer judge events as good or bad but simply as information guiding us along our intended path.

We carry a confidence that transforms the quality of our consciousness from the reactive, emotional attachment of the microscopic view, into the accepting, optimistic detachment of the larger, telescopic view.

We can then release ourselves from the need to acquire the object of our desire and embrace the essence of our intention.

We then remain firmly established in the present moment. A state of peaceful calm results and our personal evolution moves briskly along.

Wow, that’s a mouthful. So … let’s break this down into smaller, more digestible, bite-sized pieces.

…hold an intention, a clear intention within us…

In this context, our intention comes from deep within us, from our very soul. Your soul is complete and desires to express itself. Actively seek your soul’s intention. What does it wish to express?

Thomas Moore writes on “The Soul and Power” in his brilliant work Care of the Soul… “Our role with this kind of [soul] power is to be an attentive observer noticing how the soul wants to thrust itself into life. He speaks on how soul work requires much reflection.” This insight is available to us when enter our quiet place, reflect and look within.

…give that intention our dedicated attention…

Deepak Chopra writes… “Attention energizes and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger… whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate and disappear.” Think about how powerful attention is and how vital it is to develop a discipline in directing our attention since it literally creates our experience.

…develop a knowing that our intention is meaningful and purposeful…

As Jose Silva declares “Does it serve a purpose? Does it solve a problem? Does it go beyond just having fun? Does it help others?”

…then that intention will indeed unfold.

This occurs when we develop the discipline of mind to direct our attention toward our intention. Again, whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger… whatever we take our attention away from will wither, disintegrate and disappear. Therefore, only that which we direct attention to can be created.

Once we affirm the faith in our intention, we no longer judge events as good or bad but simply as information guiding us along our intended path.

Carrying confident, unquestionable and doubtless faith offers us the opportunity to appraise all events as meaningful and in alignment with our intention. One ceases to judge events as good or bad but simply as information. One actively seeks the opportunity in all events vs. the inner dialogue of the victim – “just my dumb luck” “things just don’t go my way” – which literally affirms and creates that which he/she doesn’t want through the same awesome power of attention.

Moore writes… “Paradoxically, soul power may emerge from failure, depression and loss … soul appears in the gaps and holes of experience… we have all experienced moments when we’ve lost jobs or endured an illness to find unexpected inner strength.”

By holding pure faith, we will see, often in retrospect, how all events have merged synchronistically with the intention we’ve carried. The spooky part is that this is happening whether or not one is aware of it. The awesome power of attention will create whatever we direct it to. Being mindful of this, we become the powerful director in our own play of life.

…carry a confidence that transforms the quality of our consciousness from the reactive, emotional attachment of the microscopic view, into the accepting, optimistic detachment of the larger, telescopic view.

Being caught up in an isolated scene of our own drama, we tend to get emotionally involved and therefore lose sight of the bigger picture.

The Microscopic View– is attached with drama

  • Victim to feelings
  • Wallows in self pity
  • Stagnates and takes no action

The Telescopic View- is detached with optimism

  • Seeks the opportunity within the awareness of an event
  • Seeks to see how it serves our intention
  • Takes positive action

Be it the microscopic view of the telescopic view, it boils down to a choice… an expression of our freewill.

Moore writes: “ It is our task to find artful means of articulating and structuring that power, taking full responsibility for it, but trusting too that the soul has intentions and necessities that we may understand only partially.” Again, our finite conscious awareness often does not have the full picture. When the jigsaw puzzle comes together, only then do we see the perfection in it’s wholeness.

We can then release ourselves from the need to acquire the object of our desire and embrace the essence of our intention.

Although our minds conjure up an image of what we desire, we do ourselves a disservice to become attached to the object of that desire. It is always the underlying emotions from which the soul cries out to express. The image serves as a tuning mechanism that puts us on the right channel, so to speak, with the kind of stuff we desire. When we obsessively get caught up in the need to have the object of our desire, we cut ourselves off from the unbounded possitibilities of things much more grand. Our finite conscious mind offers us limited data. When we detach from the limited, logical mind, we usher in unbounded opportunities, to experience joys beyond our wildest dreams.

We then remain firmly established in the present moment.

Having established faith that things are unfolding as they should, we bring our energy away from the uncertainty of the future and more toward the present. It is here that we become sensitive to, and seize opportunities. It has been said that luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. Therefore, by being firmly conscious in the present, we indeed create our own luck. This present moment awareness becomes acutely sensitive to observing and appraising objective feedback caused by the power or our attention on our intention.

A state of peaceful calm results and our personal evolution moves briskly along.

We become more accepting and creative, more understanding and compassionate, more joyful and content yet more participatory. Fewer conflicts arise and lessons are learned quickly rather than repeated over and over. Our personal evolution moves more quickly toward the contentment of our soul’s expression.

If we could, at the very least, intellectually understand this process, we would be drawn to experience it. Like the clumsiness experienced in learning a new instrument, continued practice brings forth the music. As we begin to work with these principles, we attune ourselves with a synchronistic flow of experiences that offers us a glimpse of their potential. This glimpse propels us further and strengthens our belief in the possibilities. This strengthening causes us to resonate at a higher level of expectation and faith; then life becomes truly magical.

Where is your attention? Are you mindfully directing it? Consider reading this over now and then as you begin to witness and become the direction of your attention. You will see just how truly powerful your mind is and how powerfully capable you are in attracting joys into your life and into the lives of others.

There are so many rich references to read on this topic. Don’t stop your search.

John Felitto


  • John Felitto - Mind Development Trainer & Coach and author of *Intentions* a free e-publication that offers practical tools to assist subscribers in coaching themselves to greater personal fulfillment and success. John has a full-time telephone coaching practice and assists clients in evoking their own greatness and full potential. He is a trainer of The Silva Method of Mind Development in Westchester & Rockland Counties of NY and offers Tele-Classes regularly.

    John is an Empowering Caregivers featured expert, learn more about John