As a caregiver for a spouse or a parent, it is important to make sure you have important information stored in a safe place. For the next several weeks we will include lists for you to print out. These lists will provide research that you will need to take action with so that your caregiving role will be easier. If you have professional assistance or Hospice, this information will be of great value in many ways for them to learn more about your loved one.
You will be able to print out each list so you may create a notebook which will contain all the information you need to know about your loved one. This is especially helpful if you are a long distance caregiver. However, it is equally important to be knowledgeable about all the information you will learn about.
Types of Checklists:·
- Action Plan For Caregivers
- Checklist For Families Providing Basic Needs
- Deciding How and When to Step In·Providing Basic Needs
- Medical History List Which Includes Medications
- Personal Documents·Your Loved One’s Preferences
- Emergency Documents·Hiring Care on Your Own
- Providing Basic Needs·Incontinence
- Evaluating Care Options·Medication Do’s and Don’ts
- Proper Lifting Techniques·Taking Away The Keys Providing Basic Needs
- Adapting to New Living Arrangements Providing Basic Needs
- Financial Payment Sources Housing Needs Assessment
- Home Care Services·Home Safety
- Preparing the home·Nursing Home Assessment
- Funeral Planning A Caregiver’s Action Plan
By setting up a plan of action, your role as a caregiver will run smoother. You will be able to take control of your life while caring for your loved one. Remember that by taking action, you have begun taking responsibility for your own personal well-being. This is the most important factor in remaining balanced so you can care for your loved one with more love and effectiveness.
The following is a checklist that you may choose to follow. You may find only some suggestions useful. You may also add ideas that come to mind as you read through them.
- I will seek all the help I can find.·I will allow my family to help.
- I will involve my family in decisions.
- I will share the burdens of caregiving with others, especially other caregivers.
- I will research all aspects of their illnesses, the courses of action and will remain well informed. I will allow a sufficient amount of time to do the research properly. I will check out as many options as I am able to do. I will research all costs involved and who pays for it.
- I will set short and long term goals for my carerecipient and myself. I will learn what I need to do and the reasons for it.
- I will write everything down in an organized manner. This includes dating all my notes, records, goals, ideas, phone numbers, questions, answers, promises, appointments, chores, and decisions. I will keep them in a planner or in one location so I will know where everything is when I need it.
- I will work at understanding the emotions I will go through such as: confusion, anger, guilt, hurt, anxiety, depression, fear, etc, knowing fully that these feelings are all part and parcel for the role of caregiver.
- I will stop trying to be perfect and in control of everything. I will be realistic about what I can and can’t do. I will be assertive and set boundaries when necessary.
- I will be prepared for the unexpected as well as the expected. I will remember the only guarantee in life is that there are no guarantees.
- I will take care of my emotional, mental, physical and spiritual needs.
- I will remain in contact with the outside world.
- I will plan for the future to the best of my capabilities with the given situation at hand.
- I will work at learning better tools to communicate with the person I am caring for, even if communicating becomes difficult.
- I will recognize and admit when I am in denial.
- I will define my objectives into one concise statement when it comes to decision-making and problem solving.
- I will list all constraints such as time, money, etc. that come up in my role as a caregiver. I will list all possible solutions by evaluating their pluses and minuses.
- I will do whatever is necessary to find the proper care for my carerecipient so that they receive the right care and the proper quality of life they deserve.
- I will recognize when I am burned out and get the professional help I need.
- I will remain clear, focused and loving as I commit to doing my best to serve my loved one with compassion and understanding.
This Caregiver’s Action plan, as you can see encompasses the majority of issues you will encounter as a caregiver. Again, work with the list as you see fit. Make the choice to fulfill your role as best as you can with love and care.