Affirmations do work…….even when they appear not to work. Your affirmations are really just a bunch of words stitched together that have only the meaning you give it. To affirm positive, uplifting, spiritual thoughts on one hand, and to insist that someone or something is the cause to your irritation on the other……is to unconsciously affirm with great believability that you are without a doubt a victim of people and circumstances.
The conviction of being a victim is the energy, the power that gives any positive, uplifting or spiritual thought a meaning of helplessness, thereby disempowering the very ideas you would like to empower you. And because affirmations do work, it is not unusual to have mucho less than desirable people and situations in your life for you to feel victimized by.
The affirmation that you are a victim is just doing its thing.
When you affirm,
“I Am Greater In Consciousness Than Any Idea Of Fear Or Limitation” that affirmation is only as effective as the meaning you give it. If it is just a bunch of words strung together that sound nice but too far off at never-never land to be part of your reality, you can expect little from repeating “I Am Greater In Consciousness Than Any Idea Of Fear Or Limitation” over and over again.
However, to really understand the meaning of “I Am Greater In Consciousness Than Any Idea Of Fear Or Limitation” and to easily believe its implications, will empower you to overcome any adversity you might be faced with. Not just some adversities, ANY adversity. When you affirm, “I Am Greater In Consciousness Than Any Idea Of Fear Or Limitation”, with authority and conviction, you are in the Big Time. You are in the Time of God. Not too shabby.
Until you get to the place where you fully understand the meaning of, “I Am Greater In Consciousness Than Any Idea Of Fear Or Limitation”, and integrating that idea into your belief system, and not just give that idea lip service, you are in process of fully understanding and integrating that idea into your belief system.
Hey, process is good. Being in process of expanding your perseption of self is better than chopped liver.
“I Am Greater In Consciousness Than Any Idea Of Fear Or Limitation”, means, that regardless of past limiting experiences, regardless of current bummers, regardless of the depth of any concern or fear, regardless of the seemingly hopelessness of a situation, regardless of the weather, regardless of any superstitious nonsense that implies you are NOT greater in consciousness than any idea of fear or limitation, regardless of the nature of the economy, regardless of anything or anyone that appears to be an obstacle for you to live your life out of your highest ideals and desires in peace, harmony and well-being……………….there is that within you that knows exactly what to know and do to transcend any illusion of hopelessness and helplessness.
You do not have to travel to a special place, or eat special foods, or smoke some special weed, or do drugs, or be born on a certain day, or surround yourself with crystals, rocks, socks, pebbles, buttons , or zippers. You just have to know the truth. And the knowing of the truth will set you free to be all you were meant to be.
And what is the truth? Good question. The truth is, You ARE Greater In Consciousness Than Any Idea Of Fear Or Limitation! You are greater in your ability to be aware of more life enhancing ideas and opportunities than any limiting or fearful idea.
Taking my word for it wont do it for you. You need to be drawn to your own conclusions through common sense and intuitive sense. But do not sweat it. Before we are through with this series you will have accepted as a core belief, to a greater degree, that indeed…… you ARE greater in consciousness than any idea of fear or limitation.
Until you know that with as much believability and conviction as you know that two plus two equals four, you are in process of knowing. And remember, process is good. Sooner rather than later, without even trying you will have accessed more of your ability to be aware of more creative ideas and opportunities than any idea of fear or limitation. And what can you expect when you are sufficiently convinced that you are greater in consciousness than any idea of fear or limitation?
For starters, you can expect not to be fooled by limiting outward appearances or limiting notions from the past.
Here are your assignments .
With a ball point or felt tipped pen draw a happy face on the inside of your thumb. Two dots for the eyes, a smile for the mouth. Look at your thumb and with as much conviction as you can muster, affirm the following;
During the course of the day as you glance at your thumb with the happy face on it, and because you are choosing to reflect on your godlike nature with greater understanding and meaning, you will trigger an energy that, as reinforced, has only one (count them), only one agenda. And that is to reveal through you greater life-enhancement.
Should you accept these assignments, do not be surprised to find yourself continually drawn to ideas, opportunities, experiences, and situations that are contrary to human type mish-mosh and yuck. As a matter of fact, you can expect it. Wanna bet?
Also, be sure to consciously affirm the affirmation, I AM GREATER IN CONSCIOUSNESS THAN ANY IDEA OF FEAR OR LIMITATION, often, and every time you replace a fading happy face on your thumb. Also, also, continue with meditation exercise. Whew! So much to do. So much to think about.
So what else you got to do and think about,?
More of the same old jazz?
Harvey Cohen