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We Are Not A Machine
We are the caregivers, but wait, there is more.
So please, hear us out before closing the door.
No we're not perfect, but we're doing our best.
We just want to get some things off our chests.
When was the last time you tried to come by,
Or the last time you called, if only to say hi?
Do you really realize just what we do here?
And just how often we are driven to tears?
Our loved ones and we are in worlds far apart,
And their verbal abuse can tear at the heart.
Their physical care can at times be a pain.
And the emotional struggle can be quite a drain.
What is it exactly, we are trying to say?
What would it take to really brighten our day?
A card in the mail, "I'm thinking of you."
Or a phone call to ask, "Hey! What can I do?"
Even better, a visit from family and friends,
To laugh, to talk, and smile once again.
We must be honest, we don't want to demean.
But please understand, we are not a machine.
© 1999 Jerry Ham
Jerry Ham - is a 58 year old Licensed Practical Nurse, who for nearly six years - stayed at home full time to care 24/7 for his mother, who passed away from Alzheimer's Disease on September 8th 2001. He hasn't returned to work as of yet as he is needing to relax from his long-term role. He's been married since 1975 to a terrific woman and has two sons,. Jerry has written beautiful poetry and hopes to sell it. When he gives us a link to his website, we will post it under inspiration. In the meantime, if you would like to email him, click here. Jerry
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© Copyright Gail R. Mitchell
It is illegal to reprint articles, in any format (including emails, websites, etc.), without explicit written permission from the author of this article and / or Empowering Caregivers