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Day - O
(From "The 11th Commandment -Thou Shalt Lighten Up!".)

Have you ever had a bad day? Have you ever had a good day? How is that possible? A day is just a day. A day doesn't do anything to you. Your 'good' day could be my 'lousy' day. Your 'rotten' day could be my 'wonderful' day.
Do you talk about a day as having the power to determine your quality of life? Do you blame the day for you bummers and credit the day for your pleasures?

Hey, a day does not unfold for anyone with an agenda of its own. A day comes to you totally neutral. It's what you bring to each day that determines how the day will unfold for you.

Whatever degree of self-doubt and/or self-confidence you bring to each day causes you to extract from the limitless possibilities of each day only those experiences that reflect the degree of your self-doubt and/or self-confidence. That's the way it woiks. The day does not keep you from experiencing life in a more joyful, more fulfilling, more prosperous way. Each day awaits your decision to make 'it' rough ..............or a 'piece of cake'.

At any given moment, at any place, whatever the circumstances there is that
ability/potential within you that knows how to find solutions where there may seem to be unsolvable problems. There is that ability within you that knows how to find peace of mind where there seems to be conflict and confusion. There is that within you that knows how to find joy where there seems to be the absence of joy. There is that within you that knows how to find abundance where there seems to be lack.

Here is your assignment:
With a ball point pen, draw a happy face on the inside of your thumb. Two dots for the eyes, a smile for the mouth.

Look at your thumb and affirm the following:



Glance at your thumb during the course of the day. It will remind you that you are not limited to ideas that confine you in any way.Reinforce the above affirmation every morning, as you replace a fading happy face on your thumb.

Should you accept this assignment:

  • Don't be surprised to find yourself more aware of ideas and opportunities that enhance your life in greater ways.
  • Don't be surprised to find yourself more inclined to know whatever you need to know to overcome anything that may have limited you in the past.
  • Don't be surprised to find yourself more confident in your creative nature and more secure about your goals and desires than ever before.

As a matter of fact, you can expect it!

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